League of Women Voters of Wellesley 2024-2025 Voting Age Study

League of Women Voters of Wellesley 2024-2025 Voting Age Study

Research & Studies

Type of Study: Consensus

Scope:  Our study will investigate the benefits and drawbacks of lowering the voting age in Wellesley, including topics suggested by the discussion at the 2024 Annual Town Meeting.  

On March 12, 2024, the Board of the League of Women Voters of Wellesley voted unanimously “To recommend to the membership at Annual Meeting a study relating to minimum voting age.”  This study was precipitated by a citizen’s petition brought to the 2024 Annual Town Meeting by two student members of our League, asking that the Town vote to authorize the Select Board to petition the General Court to enact “an act providing for voting by qualified residents aged 16 and 17 in town elections in the town of Wellesley.”  The petition failed 60%-40% after a robust discussion with several key objections stated.  At our Annual Meeting on May 15, 2024, our membership voted unanimously to approve this study.

One of our greatest assets is our reputation for impartial studies. This local study will be conducted in accordance with LWVMA and LWVUS guidelines. To read some of the documents used as references for this process, please click HERE for LWVMA resources and HERE for LWVUS resources.

The study committee will refine the study scope as information develops.  Questions to be considered may include:

  • Should the age be lowered to 16, or only to 17?
  • Should voters under age 18 be allowed to run for Boards and positions which currently restrict membership to “Registered Voter”: Select Board, Assessors, Health, School Committee, Moderator, and Town Clerk?
  • How will younger voters be educated on topics/candidates on the ballot?
  • How does voting age relate to other rights granted at certain ages?
  • Will lowering the voting age increase voter turnout, both in the short and long term?


Outlook for Work: The committee will plan a timeline; develop questions to be answered; and review, study, and consider materials from sources such as:

  • The previous studies leading to the current voting age positions and any relevant similar studies by other local or State Leagues, specifically reviewing the study of the LWV of Maine
  • Articles by experts on voting age
  • The work of national and local organizations that study/advocate for the voting age.
  • State legislative process and history on voting age
  • Wellesley town bylaws
  • Primary research: WHS and Dana Hall survey of students; “Voices of Vote16” podcast

After gathering this data, the study committee will:

  • Write a report on their findings.
  • Present at least one educational program to LWV W members and the public.
  • Prepare consensus questions for the members to discuss.
  • Prepare a final report.
  • For additional information, please research materials on adolescent cognition, found in reports from the Office of Population Affairs section of the Office of Health and Human Services and all cited studies, as well as National Institute of Health cited research on adolescent cognition.

For more information, please see this video created by one of our LWVW/ WHS members Anya Khera. She shared these videos with our membership at Annual Meeting (thank you Anya!)

"Voices for Vote16" podcasts series compilation video: 

Voices for Vote16 Podcast Compilation Video (youtube.com)

Interviews: Voices for Vote16 - YouTube


This study committee is open to all LWVW members. We need you!  This is a chance to work with other League members and learn how a study is done and adopted by our membership.  Some people say the less you know about the subject, the more you’ll learn and that's one of the best things about being part of a study committee!

Over the summer, we will be setting up a time table for our work and identifying relevant materials to study. I will be chairing the study so email me if you have questions or to let me know that you want to be part of the committee.

Irene Flint, Study Committee Chair

ireneflint1 [at] gmail.com



League to which this content belongs: 