The LWVMA League Action Committee is hosting an ongoing series of "Meet the Specialist" events over the next year, each focusing on one area of LWVMA advocacy. Participants in these online meetings will be able to ask the relevant LAC specialists questions about legislation coming before the MA House and Senate, become educated about these issues, and learn how to help lobby for LWVMA legislative priorities.
Upcoming "Meet the Specialist" Events:
Past "Meet the Specialist" Videos:
- H.2979/S.788: Family Care Givers Tax Credit
- H.2271/S1517: Community Immunity Bill
- H.2341/S1519: Out of Hospital Births
- H.2329/S.1386: Accelerating Improvements in the Local and Regional Public Health System to Address Disparities in the Delivery of Public Health Services (SAPHE2.0),
- H.1267/S766: Medicare for All in Massachusetts (M4A)
Affordable Housing on Saturday, September 18, 11 am-noon with LWVMA Affordable Housing specialists Lori Stewart and Clare Gordon. They will discuss the League’s priority affordable housing legislation this session. Watch the recording to learn about the following bills:
- H.1808/S.921 An Act promoting housing opportunity and mobility through eviction sealing (HOMES)- eviction records sealing
- H.1436/S.874 An Act promoting housing stability and homelessness prevention in Massachusetts- provide for legal representation in eviction proceedings for low-income tenants and some low-income owner-occupants
- H.202/S.111 An Act improving emergency housing assistance for children and families experiencing homelessness
- H.1373/S.867 An Act promoting fair housing by preventing discrimination against affordable housing- Prohibits exclusionary zoning
Gun Violence Prevention on Monday, September 13, 12 noon-1 pm hosted by LWVMA Gun Violence Prevention specialists Jen Muroff and Sue McCalley. Watch the recording to learn about these bills:
H.2519/S.1552 An Act to Create Alternatives for Community Education Services (ACES)
- H.805/S.459 An Act fostering voting opportunities, trust, equity, and security (VOTES Act). Comprehensive voting reform bill.
- H.769/S.475 An Act supporting parents running for public office. Allow candidates to use campaign funds for child care.
- H.3547/S.2261 An Act to establish free access to ride to elections in Massachusetts (FARE Act). Make public transit free on Election Day.
- H.836/S.474 An Act to protect the voting rights of eligible incarcerated people. Voting assistance for those eligible and incarcerated.
- H.2504 and S.1578: An Act to provide criminal justice reform protections to all prisoners in segregated confinement; (curtails use of solitary confinement);
- H.1797: An Act to reduce mass incarceration (establishes the right to a parole hearing after 25 years in custody);
- H.1826/S.920: An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for young adults (restructures the juvenile justice system to include 18 to20-year-olds).
One of the bills they are covering, solitary confinement, has been in the news a great deal recently
Women's Issues on Wednesday, August 11, noon - 1 pm hosted by Jane Soma and Susan Loffredo, League Action Committee members focusing on Women's Issues. Watch the recording to learn about bills focusing on:
- Pay equity by gender and race;
- Medication for abortion on campus
- Coverage for full spectrum pregnancy care