Video: "How To Run For Public Office"

Video: "How To Run For Public Office"

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The LWV of Wellesley’s second annual HOW TO RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE event on December 6th was very well received by attendees. One audience member commented, "I knew zero about the process and now know enough to get started” while another thanked the LWV Wellesley for the program, saying “Great nuts and bolts for those who are new to town elections.”

The program’s featured speakers, Kathy Nagle and Terri Tsagaris, spoke from their personal campaign experiences and “insider’s view” of town government organization and how it works.  As Town Clerk, Kathy Nagle manages elections, is responsible for voter registration and provides administrative support for Town Meeting.  She will be stepping down from her position as Town Clerk in March, after 15 years of service.  Previously, Kathy was a member of the School Board and was a Town Meeting Member for 15 years.  Terri Tsagaris’ observations are an outgrowth of her participation on several educational committees in Wellesley, six years’ service on the Board of Selectmen (including leadership as Vice Chair and then Chair) and 12 years’ service as a Town Meeting Member.  She shared campaign guidelines and detailed recommendations based on her own campaigns and experience of managing an election campaign for Rep. Alice Peisch.  The presentation was followed by Q&A, with insightful and pragmatic questions from the audience stimulating further elaboration of the election process. 

Of 15 attendees, 9 have either taken out nomination papers or described themselves as “strongly considering” running for office.  Feedback on the event was enthusiastically positive, scoring 4.77 on a 5-point scale as “helpful in expanding knowledge of how Wellesley’s town government works and the logistics of running for office.”

For those who weren't able to attend, here's a video of the program:

(Video courtesy of Wellesley Media)

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