The Big Day is here for the Wellesley League’s Ballot Question Consensus Meeting where we will come to consensus on fifteen questions about the current process for getting citizen-sponsored ballot questions onto MA state or local ballots. The scope of the LWVMA study is to review the Massachusetts laws and regulations that govern statewide citizen-initiated ballot questions (initiative and referendum process); consider the consequences of current laws and regulations; and propose concrete next steps that LWVMA could take to enact change, if the study results in recommended change. It is helpful to review study materials which can be found on the LWVMA website. The consensus questions are here. A concise study guide is here.
Please plan to attend on Sunday, January 13, 1:30 – 4:30 pm in the Arnold Room (second floor) of the Wellesley Free Library. Many thanks to Susan Clapham and Irene Flint who have spearheaded the study committee.
Light refreshments will be served.