Meet the Candidates Night

Meet the Candidates Night

Voting Buttons


via Zoom; viewable on Wellesley Media
Massachusetts US
Thursday, February 10, 2022 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

The League of Women Voters of Wellesley's Meet the Candidates Night enables voters to learn about candidates for town-wide office and hear their positions on issues of importance to the town. The event will be live-streamed, broadcast live on Comcast 9/Verizon 39 and will be recorded for later broadcast for on-demand viewing. The program for Meet the Candidates Night - a list of the candidates in ballot order - is here.

View a list of the 2022 town-wide candidates and Town Meeting Members and the attendance record of current Town Meeting Members (4 sessions of Annual Town Meeting in April and May 2021 and 3 sessions of Special Town Meeting in October 2021). Note that some Town Meeting Members resigned in May or were elected in October so only attended 4 or 3 sessions, respectively, and this is noted in the spreadsheet.

The League is a nonpartisan political organization which does not support or oppose candidates.  In sponsoring an unbiased candidate event, the League’s goal is to help voters make informed choices as they cast their votes in the Annual Town Election on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.  

Are you curious about candidates’ positions?  Voters are invited to submit questions for candidates by email: LWVWellesley2 [at] by 5 pm on February 9.  Questions will be screened for lack of bias, relevance, and applicability to all candidates for each office.  Similar questions may be consolidated. 

There will be no print version of the League’s Election Guide this year.  The Guide will be posted by February 10 to the League’s Election Guide platform,, where voters can also find personalized election information on how and where to vote. The Meet the Candidates Night event program will be posted here when available.

Important 2022 Election dates:

January 11: Last day for candidates for town-wide office to return nomination papers

January 18: Last day for incumbent TMMs to file notice of candidacy

January 21: Last day for new TMM candidates to pull nomination papers

January 25: Last day for new TMM candidates to return nomination papers

February 9: Last day to register to vote in Wellesley’s March 1 Annual Town Election.  

February 23: Last day to request an absentee ballot from the Town Clerk’s office.

March 1: Annual Town Election.  Polls will be open from 7:00AM – 8:00PM.  Visit the Town Clerk’s webpages for further election information.

The League of Women Voters of Wellesley, a nonpartisan political organization, has been dedicated to encouraging active and informed participation in government in Wellesley for the last 80 years.  In sponsoring Meet the Candidates Night, it adheres to strict guidelines to assure a fair and impartial opportunity for all candidates to present their views.  Related League-sponsored events include “How to Run for Public Office”, Voter Registration Days at Wellesley High School and other venues, and Town Government Meet-Ups to bring elected officials together with their constituency to share ideas and concerns.


Contact Information
Erica Johnson, Vice President, Voter Services, LWVW
voterservice.lwvw [at]