Morning Coffee with Our Three State Legislators

Morning Coffee with Our Three State Legislators

Three MA legislators in Wellesley


via Zoom
Friday, May 8, 2020 - 10:30am
Come to a LWV Wellesley Zoom coffee to meet all three of our state legislators: Senators Cynthia Creem and Becca Rausch and Representative Alice Peisch. This popular event - where we learn about our representatives' legislative priorities for the year and gain some insight into how MA government works - is back again this year. If you have RSVP'ed 'yes' or 'maybe' to this event, you should have received an update from Susan Clapham and Ellen Hallett (via Evite) which will contain the link to this Zoom event and a password. To avoid "Zoom bombing", please do not share the link or password anywhere online, including Facebook. Click here for some help if you have not used Zoom before.