The League of Women Voters is sponsoring a ballot question forum discuss the citizen-initiated non-binding referendum question that will appear on the March 17 Town Election ballot:
“Do you believe the Town of Wellesley should keep our current 7 neighborhood elementary school model by rebuilding and/or renovating the Hardy, Hunnewell and Upham Elementary Schools, instead of closing one school and redistricting all of our elementary students into 6 schools? Please vote YES or NO.
A YES vote would advise the Town of Wellesley to retain our current neighborhood school model by renovating and/or rebuilding the Hardy, Hunnewell and Upham Elementary Schools.
A NO vote would advise the Town of Wellesley to close either Hardy Elementary School or Upham Elementary School, without voter input on which school to close, and to redistrict all our town’s elementary students into six schools.”
Representatives of both the “yes” and “no” campaigns will present their positions, and community members will have the opportunity to ask questions.