The LWVW invites its members and their guest to discuss Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall, a New York Times Bestseller and Washington Post Notable Nonfiction Book of 2020:
“With poise and clarity, Kendall lays out the case for why feminists need to fight not just for career advancement but also for basic needs and issues that often plague women of color, including food security, educational access, a living wage and safety from gun violence. In expertly tying the racial justice and feminist movements together, Kendall’s is one of the most important books of the current moment.”
—Time, “100 Must-Read Books of 2020”
Guest moderator Christina Horner will guide us as we talk about the issues raised by this book, including how mainstream feminism has failed to support marginalized women and to integrate issues of race, class and sexual orientation. This event is free and open to League members and their friends. Please contact LWVWellesley2 [at] gmail.com to get the registration link. You can reserve your copy of the book here and Wellesley Books also has copies available to purchase.