Take Action to Support Public Transit - ACT NOW to Tell Your Legislators to Boost Funding for Transit!

Take Action to Support Public Transit - ACT NOW to Tell Your Legislators to Boost Funding for Transit!

Take Action to support public transit
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Jun 15 2024

To maintain Michigan’s current transit, the state’s FY25 budget must invest at least $285 million in Local Bus Operating, which they can achieve if the House, Senate, and Governor:

  • Adopt the Senate proposal to add $40 million from the general fund AND
  • Move $20 million from the Governor’s proposed “Transit Innovation Grant” into LBO.

This critical LBO funding is in addition to $252 million for transit capital, $152 million for rail, and $2.9 million for an electric bicycle incentive program.

And note, the transit we have now falls far short of Michigan’s needs. To expand transit, provide high frequency transit, and develop cross-state rail, Michigan leaders need to double transit investment to at least $1 billion a year in dedicated transit and rail funding. Rep Jason Morgan is developing bills to do so!