Urge Your Representatives to Support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

Urge Your Representatives to Support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

Time Range For Action Alert: 
Nov 16 2023 to Dec 31 2023

Every day, the freedom to vote is under attack. Since the Supreme Court decision of Shelby County v. Holder that gutted the Voting Rights Act (VRA), at least twenty-nine states have passed ninety-four laws that make it harder to vote, with the burden falling hardest on Black voters and other voters of color.  

We need a fully restored VRA to defend our democracy and protect the freedom to vote. That is why the League is proud to support the reintroduction of HR14, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, vital legislation needed to fully restore and modernize the VRA and ensure that discriminatory voting policies are stopped in their tracks. 

Tell your Representatives to protect the freedom to vote and support the passage of the JRLVRAA. 

Equality — and our democracy — cannot wait. Click here to contact your Representative.