Archived Action Alerts

All Dearborn-Dearborn Heights Action Alerts

LWV voting

Action Alerts

The time has come for voting rights legislation to move forward in Congress. New legislation, passed by the US House today, will allow the US Senate to debate voting rights for the first time.


Action Alerts

Sen. Peters chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee which held a hearing on S51 in June - the first Senate hearing on statehood for District of Columbia since 2014.


Action Alerts

Contact the Attorney General and tell him women need and deserve the Equal Rights Amendment now!

Time for Action LWV

Action Alerts

The Senate just introduced the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (JLVRAA), which will fully restore the Voting Rights Act (VRA) and ensure renewed oversight, accountability, and justice in our democracy.

Time for Action LWV

Action Alerts

The fight for voting rights continues to be a long and enduring battle, but one which American democracy hinges on. The Senate has introduced new legislation, the Freedom to Vote Act which has the power to make our elections more free, fair, and accessible to all.

Button with word VOTE with stars on top and below the word, red, white, blue

Action Alerts

Take Action - Tell the Michigan State Senate to VOTE NO on legislation making it harder to vote!

Oil and Water Don't Mix

Action Alerts

Michigan's Governor Gretchen Whitmer revoked the easement agreement that allowed Enbridge, a Canadian pipeline corporation, to use the Great Lakes bottomland for its Line 5 oil pipeline.  This is what you need to know about why the easement was re

Button with word VOTE with stars on top and below the word, red, white, blue

Action Alerts

The League of Women Voters of Michigan opposes the package of bills introduced by Senate Republicans on March 24 and assigned to the Senate Elections Committee, prior to the spring recess.

Take Action HR 51

Action Alerts

 The League of Women Voters has always fought to expand access to the ballot box and protect the voting rights of all Americans.  Residents in DC deserve full representation in Congress. 

Action Alerts

The Census is in Danger
