Adopted by LWVDDH Board January 2024
LWVDDH is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in principle and in practice. DEI is central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.
Diversity refers to population groups that have been historically under- represented in socially, politically, or economically powerful institutions and organizations. These groups include but are not restricted to populations of color, those who identify as LGBT, people with disabilities, women ETC.
Equity is an approach based in fairness to ensuring everyone is given equal opportunity; this means that resources may be divided and shared unequally.
Inclusion refers to the degree to which diverse individuals can participate fully in the decision-making processes within an organization or group.
We commit to increase diversity in the recruitment, retention, and retainment at the national, state, and local level, and in the leadership and executive roles. We commit to making deliberate efforts to ensure LWVDDH is a place where differences are welcomed, and every individual feels a sense of belonging.