Dearborn Heights Schedules Public Hearing to Address Impending Water Safety and Quality Initiatives

Dearborn Heights Schedules Public Hearing to Address Impending Water Safety and Quality Initiatives

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Dearborn Heights City Hall
Monday, May 22, 2023 - 6:00pm

The City of Dearborn Heights will host a public hearing regarding its plans to execute its proposed initiatives regarding the replacement of lead (water) service lines, obsolete water meters and aging water main pipelines throughout the city.

The hearing will take place May 22 at the Dearborn Heights City Hall, and will begin at 6 p.m. Residents are encouraged to attend and express their questions/comments regarding the project.

Under this project, approximately 2,000 lead service lines will be replaced, as well as all existing water meters (plus replenishment of the city’s inventory), totaling approximately 30,000 units. Several miles of aging water lines that are prone to repeated failures will also be replaced. Replacement of the lead lines is a mandated project by the State of Michigan.

While the city is mandated to complete a portion of this initiative (lead service line replacement), it must still seek out the most economical means to fund the overall project. One of the most logical resources, the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, would provide a low-cost loan and offer up to a 50 percent funding match of the anticipated $34.3 million cost if approved. Because of the city’s financial standing, it qualifies for forgiveness of the State’s contribution of approximately $17.15 million.

 “The safe and proper maintenance of our community’s water supply is something our residents deserve and rightfully expect” commented Dearborn Heights Mayor Bill Bazzi. “It is frustrating that some of these projects – which have directly impacted many of our residents and businesses – have languished for so long with no results. They can be assured that water safety, its efficient transmission and accurate accounting of its usage are high priorities of this administration, and we will bring this to a successful completion.”

Additional information relating to this public hearing, along with proposed project details can be viewed on the City of Dearborn Heights website: