Residents and community organizations are invited to a virtual meeting hosted by the City of Dearborn to provide their input on affordable housing and community development needs.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 12 at 2 p.m. on Zoom video conferencing.
The City of Dearborn is in the process of completing its Five Year Consolidated Plan, which is designed to help the City assess its affordable housing and community development needs, market conditions, and make data-driven, place-based investment decisions.
Residents and organizations will be asked for their thoughts on the following:
• Housing and homelessness
• Special Needs
• Community Development
• The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding proposal, program descriptions, and expenditure summary, all of which can be located on the City’s website at https://tinyurl.com/m32vc386.
The Zoom meeting can be accessed from www.cityofdearborn.org . Look for the remote meetings button. It is also here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89604349365?pwd=ai9GMVhwMGxpcUVuUTB6ZzdlVXRCdz09
The Passcode is: 401213
The City greatly values community input, and hopes this meeting will determine what types of projects and programs are needed in Dearborn, what kind of assistance would help the less fortunate, and what the Consolidated Plan should focus on for the next five years.