Introduction to National Popular Vote webinar training - Recording available

Introduction to National Popular Vote webinar training - Recording available

Yes on Electoral College



This campaign has been postphoned with aim of getting it on the 2024 ballot.

Hopefully, by now you've seen the news that a campaign was launched in Michigan in September to put the question of electing the President by National Popular Vote, through the National Popular Vote compact on your ballot.

You are invited to 2 upcoming trainings to learn more about how this bill works and how to answer the most common opposition talking points you're likely to encounter.

October 26, 6 pm - Introduction to National Popular Vote
Learn about the legislation that will enable America to elect the President by National Popular Vote.  Join us to learn how this legislation works, how close it is to reality, and how you can get involved.  Watch here.
November 3, 6:30 pm - Debunking Common Myths about National Popular Vote
We'll review the most common misconceptions that people have about electing the President by National Popular Vote and discuss the many reasons that America and our electoral system will be better off with a national popular vote.
More information and to register here.