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Wednesday, May 12, 2021 - 10:00am to Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 9:45am
SEMCOG and MAC are working to prepare for the New Future of Southeast Michigan, taking a close look at the effects of the Pandemic on parks, trails, and recreation.
SEMCOG needs to assess what we knew prior to the pandemic, the many ways in which this understanding changed or accelerated because of the pandemic, and develop strategies and policies to prepare and respond to expected ongoing impacts in the near and longer-term future. To do this effectively, we need to hear from you. We encourage you to join the May 12 communtiy conversation from 10 am - 12 pm. Topics to be covered are:
Supporting community health and wellness
Understanding changes in park use and activity preferences
Ensuring equitable recreation access and inclusive opportunities
Sustaining investments and securing funding opportunities
Aligning local initiatives with state and federal priorities
The expertise and input of SEMCOG and MAC's membership as well as other regional stakeholdrs will be essential to this process, as there can be no substitute for the real-life, eal-time experiences of facing and addressing challenges brought on by the pandemic.
Please register to join the ineractive session.