Our Committees

Our Committees

Early Childhood Needs and Services Committee

The Early Childhood Needs and Services Committee educates and advocates for a system of comprehensive and coordinated services to meet the needs of young children in Leelanau County. Its work is aligned with the Michigan and national League of Women Voters positions on early childhood services. The Committee is currently focusing on creating a system of sustainable funding for early childhood services. This involves coordinating with other early childhood advocacy groups in the planning process and together, educating and advocating within our community.  Additionally, the Committee is involved in educational and advocacy efforts with our local and state representatives to address early childhood needs through changes in policy, legislation and funding. Chair: Sue Miller 

For the past 4 and ½ years the Early Childhood Needs and Services Committee of the LWV Leelanau County has worked hard to educate our members and the public on the importance of the first 5 years of a child’s like.  We have learned about the impact of Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) and also how the 5 Protective Factors can minimize and overcome these challenges. These 5 Protective Factors of social connections, parental resilience, social-emotional competence of children, knowledge of child development and parenting, concrete supports in times of need that promote healthy lives form the foundation of the Early Childhood Development Services that passage of the November 5 millage will sustainably fund. The LWVLC thanks everyone who supported the successful passage of this important millage.

Click here for supplemental information about Diverse Books in Early Education and a Book List.


Click here for the document 'Educate and Advocate for Quality, Affordable Childcare. 
Link to IPR Feature

Energy and Natural Resources Committee

The Energy and Natural Resources Committee continues to support preserving, protecting and enhancing environmental quality through research, educational programs and outreach activities that contribute to a resilient and sustainable future of health and happiness for all our citizens.  Specifically, we will explore Health Impacts from continued burning of carbon, promote renewable energy, conservation and energy efficiency, work on plans for a fall Sustainable Food Tour and collaborate with others on a Dark Skies project.  We will continue our spotlight on Pipe Line 5, water contamination, invasive species as well as loss of biodiversity and a decline in pollinating insects, and the development of septic regulations.  Co-Chairs: Anne Rogers and Nancy Potter


Farm Labor and Immigration Task Force

The Farm Labor and Immigration Task Force researches, monitors and educates regarding the challenges faced by the Leelanau County agriculture sector to secure and sustain a viable and skilled work force.  We utilize League positions for advocacy relevant to housing, education, health care, government services and law enforcement.  The Task Force follows developments in worker visa programs, immigration reform, and the intersection between local and federal law enforcement as it affects our local labor force.  We advocate for compassionate enforcement of the law.  We also follow and either support or oppose state level legislation affecting Leelanau County farm workers.  Co-Chairs: Christi Bardenhagen and Barbara Krause

Age Friendly Leelanau Committee

Recognizes that a large portion of seniors dispersed over a rural area is unique. The Committee will review established standards for age-friendliness; collect information on the circumstances of seniors in Leelanau County; Assess the gaps between the ideal and the actual, and propose measures to address these findings

Equal Rights Advocacy (ERA) Committee

The ERA Committee will research local issues relating to equal rights for all, regardless of sex, educate the public on the still existing challenges of sex discrimination, and advocate for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.  CoChairs:  Jan Frazee and Patty O'Donnell

Voter Services Committee

Accompanies county clerk staff as they register students at high schools and Northwestern Michigan College and provide handouts in English and Spanish explaining acceptable voter ID, procedures for absentee voting and a helpful checklist for new voters. We educate the public on all local millage issues as well as potential state constitutional amendments and ballot proposals. Visit our Elections & Voting page for useful voter information.