LWVMO Shares Positions on 3 Ballot Measures

LWVMO Shares Positions on 3 Ballot Measures

LWVMO Board Members

LWVMO President Marilyn McLeod shared why the League supported Amendment 3 and Prop B and opposed Amendment 7.

We support Amendment 3 for reproductive freedom. It protects the right of privacy in reproductive choice, would overturn Missouri’s current strict law on abortion that has only an exception for the life of the mother, and it would guarantee protections for related reproductive issues. Our support for this measure is based on our official and longstanding position: “public policy in a pluralistic society must affirm the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.”

We support Proposition A for minimum wage and earned sick leave because we support programs and policies to prevent or reduce poverty and to promote self-sufficiency for individuals and families.

We oppose Amendment 7 because it creates restrictions that would prevent voters in cities and counties from choosing their local voting practices in the future. It also includes unnecessary and misleading “ballot candy” wording about who can vote. The Missouri Constitution already specifies U.S. citizenship is a necessary qualification to vote.

For more than a century, the nonpartisan League of Women Voters has studied public policy issues and when consensus is reached by the membership, may advance a position on relevant issues that come before the public. 

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