The League of Women Voters of Missouri and Missouri NAACP are challenging several sections of a new anti-voter law in court, including requiring an unexpired government-issued photo ID to vote. The court issued a temporary injunction in 2022 blocking enforcement of restrictions in HB1878 on voter registration and absentee ballot solicitation. A hearing on the photo ID restrictions will conclude with closing argumens after a transcript is available in early 2024.
HB1878 requires voters to show a government-issued photo ID to vote. Previously, voters had the option of using a student ID, voter registration card, or utility bill as identification to vote. Since voter impersonation fraud has never been documented in Missouri, the League believes the law does not improve election security and will unnecessarily disenfranchise voters. Click here for a League flyer.
To cast a regular ballot in person, voters must show:
- A non-expired Missouri driver's license or state ID card or one that expired after Nov. 8, 2022, or
- A U.S. passport or military ID that is non-expired or expired after the last election.
Recognizing that thousands of Missourians don't have an acceptable photo ID, several organizations are helping voters get the underlying documents needed. The League is part of the Missouri State ID Access Coalition. Click on the symbol below for more information.
Voters also can call the Secretary of State's Voter ID Hotline (866-868-3245) for information on a free non-driver photo ID card. Warning! If you are a student and you get a free non-driver ID to vote in MO, this will void an out-of-state driver's license.
Without a government-issued photo ID, Missourians cannot take advantage of early in-person absentee voting. They can cast a provisional ballot on Election Day that will count if they return to the polling place with an acceptable photo ID or the signature matches one on file.
Check with the Secretary of State web site or your local election authority for more information.