The 69 attendees for the May 6 State Convention in Columbia included five lifetime members and three college students. The theme was "Getting in More Good Trouble," and delegates approved program changes to expand advocacy on election security and other current issues.
Delegates approved the following officers for 2023-2025: President Marilyn McLeod, Vice President Nancy Copenhaver, Secretary Carol Schreiber and Treasurer Diane Suhler. Members of the board for LWVMO and its Education Fund are Marge Bramer, Sheryl Eufinger, Joan Gentry, Joan Hubbard, Patricia O’Roark, Anne Sappington, Louise Wilkerson, Greg Woodhams.
Our luncheon speaker was Danielle Lang, Senior Director, Voting Rights for the Campaign Legal Center. She shared the arguments she made to win a temporary injunction on HB 1878 restrictions that limited the League's voter services. Click here for video of her presentation.
Click here for a PDF of Workbook 1 or here for a PDF of Workbook 2.
Recordings of three pre-convention caucuses are posted on members-only page.