This is our monthly advocacy planning meeting. Discussion may include local actions in support of positions from any level of the League, as well as updates on current priority issues such as housing, immigration, and healthcare.
The League of Women Voters of Benton and Franklin Counties supports expending all efforts to utilize district and community resources to maximize the educational experience of each student. This League also supports schools having an interest in promoting the health of their students.
Nevada County has a thriving and valuable presence statewide in providing medical cannabis to patients. Regulatory and economic developments in recent years have brought the future viability of the medical cannabis model into question
League members take action on issues where we have studied the topic and have reached conclusions that are embodied in our positions. Our Action/Advocacy Committee meets monthly (see Calendar of Events). Recent activities have included advocacy for affordable housing proposals in several cities, support of extending the county healthcare plan to undocumented immigrants, and statements on the Concord Naval Weapons Station re-use plans.
This is our monthly advocacy planning meeting. Discussion may include local actions in support of positions from any level of the League, as well as updates on current priority issues such as housing, immigration, and healthcare.
We support commitment by Long Beach city officials and residents to the protection and conservation of our natural resources, particularly finite resources, in order to meet the needs of future generations as well as our own.