Presented by Judge Bonnie Wheaton, Chief Judge of the Illinois 18th Judicial court: Judge Wheaton will discuss the increase in women judges, both locally and nationally, and how this increase has affected women’s rights.
The Montgomery Co-Radford City-Floyd Co Branch of the NAACP will present its' annual celebration program on Sunday, January 19 2025 at 3 p.m. to honor the legacy of Dr. King.
This year's Dialogue on Race Winter Summit will be in-person and organized into interactive small table conversations around data presented by the Law Enforcement and Education Issue Groups.
On October 16, 2024, LWVVC President, Nicki Junkins, was the guest speaker at the Victoria Gardens Woman’s Club luncheon in DeLand. Her topic was The Fight for Woman’s Suffrage.
LWV of Alachua County is tabling at Gainesville's Downtown Festival and Art Show. Join us to assist attendees with voter registration (training required) and voter education. We will also be collecting petition signatures.