Individual Liberties

Individual Liberties

Oppose major threats to basic constitutional rights.

Three women at LWV table with red table cloth
Event Date: 
10/21/2023 - 12:00pm to 5:00pm
Event location: 

Bo Diddley Plaza

LWV of Alachua County is tabling at Gainesville's Pride Festival. Join us to assist attendees with voter registration (training required) and voter education. We will also be collecting petition signatures. 

Three women at LWV table with red table cloth
Event Date: 
10/14/2023 - 10:00am to 1:30pm
Event location: 

Mt Olive AME Church

LWV of Alachua County is tabling at the NAACP Health Fair to assist attendees with voter registration (training required) and voter education. We will also be collecting petition signatures. 

Three women at LWV table with red table cloth
Event Date: 
10/07/2023 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Event location: 

Sweetwater Apartments

LWV of Alachua County is tabling at Sweetwater Apartments, a primarily student apartment complex. Join us to assist residents with registration (training required) and voter education. We will also be collecting petitions. 

Stop Gun Violence red text on black background with gun covered in chain and lock

Gun safety and gun violence prevention is one of the legislative priorities of the League of Women Voters of Florida, and the League of Women Voters of Alachua County supports the City of Gainesville and Alachua County in their efforts to reduce gun violence in our community. As such, we support regulations concerning handgun purchase, ownership, and use. We promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans by supporting regulations concerning the purchase, ownership, and use of handguns that consider the balance of individual constitutional rights with the general interest and welfare of the community.

Stop Gun Violence red text on black background with gun covered in chain and lock

Vice President Gwendolyn Saffo represented LWVAC at Gainesville's Choose Peace Gun Violence Prevention Summit. This is her summary and recommendations for LWVAC action to support the City's efforts to reduce gun violence in Gainesville and our surrounding communities.

Three women at LWV table with red table cloth
Event Date: 
09/20/2023 - 11:00am to 1:00pm
Event location: 

Santa Fe College Northwest Campus

LWV of Alachua County is honoring National Voter Registration Day (September 19th) on September 20th with a table at the Santa Fe College Constitution Week Civics Fair.

Three women at LWV table with red table cloth
Event Date: 
09/16/2023 - 10:00am to 4:00pm
Event location: 

Headquarters Library

LWV of Alachua County is honoring National Voter Registration Day (September 19th) on September 16th with a table at the Headquarters Library in Downtown Gainesville.

Volunteers needed white and gold text on purple background with multi-color hands raised and megaphone graphics
Event Date: 
06/17/2023 - 5:00pm to 9:00pm
Event location: 

Bo Diddley Plaza

LWV of Alachua County is joining LWVFL in supporting the Florida Right to Clean Water (RTCW) and the Amendme

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
Our league is concluding our fiscal and administrative year this month with two asks of our members...

LWVFL Logo and "Update" text on purple background on left. Group of protestors with purple overlay on right.

A coalition entitled “Floridians Protecting Freedom” launched a citizen-led ballot initiative campaign to give women the right to seek abortions up to viability.
