Public Policy on Reproductive Choices

Public Policy on Reproductive Choices

Protect the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.

LWVSC Alert: Committtees to hear bans in mid-August

Action Alerts

Both houses are moving forward with abortion bans. The League opposes the proposed bans in their entirety. Read our testimonies: 

PDF icon 8.16.2022 House Special Laws Subcommittee Testimony H.5399

PDF icon 8.17.2022 Senate Medical Affairs Committee Testimony S.1327, S.1373, S.1348

LWVSC Alert: Committtees to hear bans in mid-August

Action Alerts

During the week of August 15, committees in both Houses will hear abortion bills: 
Email all committee members NOW to #StopTheBansSC.
SCOTUS's Abortion Decision
Blog Post

On June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court released its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturning the constitutional right to abortion. In so doing, they turned back the clock, looking almost exclusively at reproductive rights from the lens of the mid-1800s and earlier to determine whether the Constitution confers a right to abortion.

LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

House Bill H.5399 would ban all abortions in all circumstances. This bill threatens the rights and bodily autonomy of women —not only our moral agency and personal dignity but our lives. The 2021 “heartbeat” law should be repealed and further attempts to restrict abortion prior to viability should cease.

Email to #StopTheBansSC. PDF icon Read our testimony.

League members 6-24-2022 Rally at the State House

Supreme Court Strips Americans of Constitutional Right to Abortion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Decision
Court signals threat to marriage equality, contraception, and private intimacy
LWVUS Press Release / Last Updated: June 24, 2022
Explaining SCOTUS's Abortion Decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization
LWVUS Blog / Last Updated: July 22, 2022

Photos of Deborah Turner and Virginia Kase
Public Statement

"Today’s ruling strips women and those who may become pregnant of their bodily autonomy and will have devastating - and immediate - consequences across the country. While the Court’s opinion was expected, its harm is extreme and real...."


LWV-WC President's statement: The US Supreme Court has eliminated the constitutional right to an abortion, overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. While we thought this was coming, there was still hope. Now the hurt is real and severe . . . I would like to remind you of the LWVUS position on reproductive rights.

lwvusconvention_6-24-2022.jpg - Choice rally

On June 23, 2022, five leaders in the political and equal rights movements came together to discuss the current state of democracy and women's role in advancing it. Check out the League's "Guide to Mis- and Disinformation" highlighted in "Messages for Women Powering Democracy" Blog / Last Updated: July 21, 2022

Reproductive rights

Action Alerts

There are only a few weeks left to this year's legislative session.

Reproductive Rights 5-19-2022 at State House
Blog Post

Supporters of the Equality in Abortion Act rallied at the State House on May 19 showing up in force and testifying at the House Finance hearing on H7442.
