

We are all equal at the ballot box, but only if we vote. We engage millions of voters every year ensuring Americans have the information they need to participate in elections that determine our future.

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Fair maps Wisconsin 1.18

Action Alerts

In January, the 37th Wisconsin county passed a resolution for Fair Maps. That means MORE THAN HALF of all Wisconsin counties—representing 64% of Wisconsinites—have formally asked the state to end gerrymandering and adopt a nonpartisan process for

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Connecticut voters deserve access to accurate information about the voting process, the administration of our elections in Connecticut, the candidates running for office, and any referendum questions on the ballot. Get all your questions answered about the upcoming elections and access voter outreach resources for print and digital sharing.


This position was voted as a means to recommend more effective administration of town government responsive to the needs of the people.

RE: Stop the baseless attacks on Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Mike Haas and Wisconsin Ethics Commission Administrator Brian Bell, and give them a public hearing.


Citizens Guide to Hingham Open Town Meeting

Town Meeting Resources Available

The LWV Hingham has put together in collaboration with the town of Hingham a guide to help citizens understand and participate in Open Town Meeting.

Blog Post

A small group of League members gathered late in November to discuss how our Civics Education program might proceed.

Blog Post

Veteran journalists Naomi Schalit and John Christie will discuss “Integrity of Journalism: How to be a critical-thinking news consumer,” at our Spring Lecture on Sa
