

We are all equal at the ballot box, but only if we vote. We engage millions of voters every year ensuring Americans have the information they need to participate in elections that determine our future.

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National Voter Registration Day
Event Date: 
09/25/2018 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm
Event location: 

WB Apartment (Lobby)

Every year millions of Americans find themselves unable to vote because they miss a registration deadline, don’t update their registration, or aren’t sure how to register.

young girl reading newspaper

Our monthly membership newsletter with lots of current articles - election season opportunities, reactions on our Proposition 13 initiative qualifying for November 2020, and more! But it's mostly the election . . .

Event Date: 
09/08/2018 - 10:00am to 09/09/2018 - 11:45am
Event location: 

LWV Diablo Valley office

This is our monthly advocacy meeting for Board members and other League members with specific issues they are following.

Event Date: 
09/25/2018 - 6:30pm
Event location: 

Oldemeyer Center

Sponsored by Sustainable Seaside

Event Date: 
09/24/2018 - 6:00pm to 09/25/2018 - 5:45pm
Event location: 

Hilltop Community Center

Sponsored by the New Monterey Neighborhood Association

Event Date: 
09/11/2018 - 5:30pm
Event location: 

Pacific Grove Community Center

Sponsored by the Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce

Candidates Forum
Event Date: 
10/17/2018 - 7:00pm to 10/18/2018 - 7:45pm
Event location: 

Campbell Community Center - Roosevelt Room (#80)

The League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara will hold a forum for the candidates running for the 18th Congressional District.  Candidates participating in the forum are Anna Eshoo and Christine Russell.

The League of Women Voters are available to register voters monthly at Wheaton Public Library, 225 N. Cross St., Wheaton, IL.

THIS PAGE IS OBSOLETE - if you get here, go to the new Voter Registration Calendar.

Candidates Forum
Event Date: 
09/27/2018 - 7:00pm to 09/28/2018 - 8:45pm
Event location: 

Los Gatos Town Council Chambers

7:00pm - 8:00pm  Meet the candidates running for Los Gatos Town Council on the November 2018 ballot.

8:00pm - 9:00pm  Meet the candidates running for the Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School Board on the November 2018 ballot.

Candidate Forum
Event Date: 
10/17/2018 - 7:00pm to 10/18/2018 - 8:45pm
Event location: 

Grace Presbyterian Church

Know before you vote on November 6th! Candidates running for U.S. District Congressional District 8 (Falls Church is in this district!) want you to know what they prioritize.
