

Voters will continue to face large water-related expenditures in the coming years. Making informed decisions on these investments in managing California’s water resources is a priority for the League.

Find out more about California Water Resources.


The League of Women Voters of Connecticut supports policies and procedures which promote comprehensive long-range planning for conservation and development of land and water resources.


The League of Women Voters of the Holland Area supports the concept of cooperative planning for surrounding cities, villages, and townships.


BRIEF SUMMARY: The Lamorinda Unit of the LWVDV supports increased fire safety in the Community of Orinda.


We support preserving and enhancing the environmental integrity and quality of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Ecosystem.


We support water quality and quantity standards and support managing water as a natural resource.


Support of policies and programs which protect the health of the people, preserve the natural resources of the state, and focus on conservation, recreation, and research.

We support measures that promote management and development of water resources in ways that are beneficial to the environment and emphasize conservation and high standards of water quality appropriate for the intended use.

What do we advocate?


    We support standards and enforcement for natural resources.


    Support measures to secure an orderly and simplified San Bernardino City Charter, with

    provisions that enable the Mayor and the Common Council to deal with city problems efficiently, flexibly, and with responsibilities and authority clearly defined. The City Charter should:

    A. Provide a framework that allows details to be placed in ordinances passed by the Mayor

    and Common Council.

    B. Provide a government that is responsible, representative, accountable, and responsive to

    the citizens.

    C. Address ethics in government.


    Notes taken by Susan Loyko at the March 21, 2015 Groundwater forum at O'Connor Woods in Stockton, California.
