Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Promote an environment beneficial to life through the protection and wise management of natural resources in the public interest.

Event Date: 
Jul 22 2021 11:30 am

Sarah Dehart Faltico, program coordinator for the Climate + Energy Project, will be our speaker.  She will share how a systems-based approach can provide tools to effect change and build community power through civic engagement.

top of Golden Gate Bridge in fog

The LWVBA observer reports for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District are posted here as they become available. Note that they are posted in reverse chronological order, with the most recent posted at the top.

view of bay water with sailboat and Alcatraz

The observer reports from the Regional Water Quality Control Board are added here as they become available.

Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

June 15, 2021

Graphic of transit and aviation infrastructure in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin’s Aviation Report Card grade is C+ (between good: adequate for now & mediocre: requires attention) and Transit’s Report Card grade is D+ (between mediocre and poor: at risk).

Wisconsin's Infrastructure

The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and the American Society of Civil Engineers - Wisconsin Section (ASCE-WI Section) collaborated on a project to educate Wisconsinites about the ASCE 2020 Infrastructure Report Card. The recordings of the presentations are linked below. Across Wisconsin, infrastructure grades range from D+ to a B, demonstrating a clear need for improvements.

The Community Partnership goal is to bring together various organizations in Lawrence and Douglas County so that we can work toward our common goals while supporting the work that each organization does for the community. If you would like to attend our meetings or be a part of the Community Partnership group, please contact Ma'Ko'Quah Jones.
Civics graphic
Event Date: 
Apr 20 2021 04:30 pm
Event location: 


Please join us for our April General Meeting - Rethinking Civics Education     


One Step toward Reversing Global Warming
