Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Promote an environment beneficial to life through the protection and wise management of natural resources in the public interest.

Image: Box of produce
Event Date: 
Aug 27 2020 06:30 pm

You are invited to attend our Zoom & Learn event! 


We support water conservation in Lexington.


We support a hazardous waste collection program and educating citizens of this program. We continue to promote recycling.


We support conservation of energy in the community.


We support the promotion of alternatives to pesticides, its education throughout the community, development of pesticide policy for town use, and land use planning measures for conservation.


We support efforts to identify those factors within Lexington which impact air quality, including acid rain.
generic city council chamber

This is the compilation of the reports from members observing the Board of Supervisors from 3/31 - 8/11/20.

young girl reading newspaper

It’s August, fewer than 100 days to the election, and there’s lots to do! It’s also the Centennial of the 19th Amendment, with many commemorations. Plus an inside look at what the Board does, and a royal suffragist!

Graphic with text, "Action Alert: Because Democracy is Not a Spectator Sport"

Action Alerts

Enbridge Energy’s 67-year-old Line 5 oil pipeline crosses Northern Wisconsin through the Bad River Watershed, tributary to Lake Superior. Any oil spill threatens: 

VOTE411 small wo text

The League of Women Voters Observer Corps attend public council, commission, and committee meetings and submit findings to the Action Committee, so they may develop informed advocacy positions and plan for direct action. Summaries from the previous month's report are now available to you as the Corps Report. This installment includes reports on: Alameda County Transportation Commission, Oakland Privacy Advisory Committee, Oakland Public Ethics Commission, Oakland Life Enrichment Committee, Oakland Police Commission. 
