Promote public understanding and participation in decision making as essential elements of responsible and responsive management of our natural resources.
We are calling your attention to a new rule established by the Florida Department of Management Services (DMS) rule that went into effect on March 1st. This rule drastically limits the use of the Florida Capitol building and grounds for citizens and various groups by requiring events hosted by citizens and groups to be in agreement with a state agency’s mission.
The League of Women Voters of Alachua County appreciates that the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee has rightfully expressed concerns about the debt of the Gainesville Regional Utility. Our concern is that a suggested solution is to take management of GRU away from the city. Recently there have been credible reports that Representative Chuck Clemons intends to file a bill that would transmit GRU management to the state. As an organization that supports home rule and democracy with government serving those who are governed, the LWV of Alachua County firmly opposes any such move, as is detailed in the attached letter. 09/20/23 UPDATE: Gaineville Residents United, Inc. provides an update and timeline for the city lawsuit regarding the takeover of Gainesville Regional Utilities.
The Alachua County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) recently heard an initial request for a large-scale development on 4000+ acres known as the Lee Property. LWVAC is asking the BoCC to reject this initial request, called a Special Area Study, until all efforts to secure funding for preserving the entire property are exhausted.
The Alachua County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) recently heard an initial request for a large-scale development on 4000+ acres known as the Lee Property. LWVAC is asking the BoCC to reject this initial request, called a Special Area Study, until all efforts to secure funding for preserving the entire property are exhausted. If no effort is made to secure this funding, then LWVAC will oppose the project.