Public Participation

Public Participation

Promote public understanding and participation in decision making as essential elements of responsible and responsive management of our natural resources.

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The League of Women Voters Observer Corps attend public council, commission, and committee meetings and submit findings to the Action Committee, so they may develop informed advocacy positions and plan for direct action. Summaries from the previous month's report are now available to you as the Corps Report. 

Learn more about the Observer Corps!

Follow the Corps Report and stay in the loop about local government activities that may affect or interest you!  Read it here!

young girl reading newspaper

Get active again as life picks up and so does League! We are responding to the pandemic in so many ways and getting better at it – just look at what is in this Voter!

The League of Women Voters Education Fund conducts voter service and citizen education activities. It is a nonpartisan nonprofit public policy educational organization.


The League of Women Voters of San Joaquin County supports general plans for the orderly development and use of land in San Joaquin County and its incorporated areas.


Municipal Government


Library Finance
Sunset sky with power lines and power poles in foreground
By Carole Fernandez

Published July 31, 2018
