June-July 2020 Voter Newsletter

June-July 2020 Voter Newsletter

young girl reading newspaper

Get active again as life picks up and so does League! We are responding to the pandemic in so many ways and getting better at it – just look at what is in this Voter:

  • It will be a lively, online, Action/Advocacy Committee on June 6 – did you know that there is an oil drilling proposal for Brentwood?
  • June is the month for big League meetings, and we’re not slowing down – Suzan’s President’s Letter gives the latest on our LWVDV Annual Meeting on June 20, and also how you can attend LWVUS Convention without spending a dime!
  • Want a more intimate meeting where you can learn more about League? Sign up for the June 27 member orientation meeting – just you, your cup of coffee, and some new League friends!
  • Martha Goralka reports on how Voter Services is planning to use new techniques for election season, and Carol Murota has some great news about the progress of Schools and Communities First!
  • Our Observer Corps has been watching local governments respond to COVID-19, both at the Board of Supervisors and locally in Lafayette. Is your jurisdiction in the same boat? Read how the CARES Act didn’t assist all hospitals equally, including one of ours. Also, don’t miss this month’s Member Spotlight, on Sue Brandy’s work with frontline responders.
  • The Census is up and running again, and there are new opportunities to help out. If you’d like to fight housing discrimination, sign up to be an occasional “housing tester” with ECHO – there’s a training on June 18, so don’t wait to check it out!
  • Take a quiet moment to consider our diversity awareness question of the month and get a different perspective on your memories of growing up. Then go even farther back into history with our latest suffragist, Puerto Rican education powerhouse Anna Roqué (Geigel) Duprey and the new Museum of the San Ramon Valley exhibit (open during the Danville Farmer’s Market, soon!)

There is no Voter next month, but members will get emails and there will be new information on the website. Have a good summer! We’ll see you on Zoom!

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