Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.

Large Oak Tree with text overlay
Event Date: 
Jan 09 2024 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Oak Hammock

At this Oak Hammock Committee Meeting, Dr. Nancy Hardt, MD will present, "Politics and Infant and Maternal Health." Dr. Hardt is a professor emerita at the UF College of Medicine.

Health Care Committee in white text on a blue rectangle with geometric shapes in a variety of blue colors in the far background
Event Date: 
Jan 08 2024 04:00 pm
Event location: 

Oak Hammock

Our new Health Care Committee, co-chaired by Barbara Frentzen and Kim Walsh-Childers, is hosting its January meeting in person at Oak Hammock. They hope to make the meeting available via Zoom as well.

Action Alert text with black exclamation point in red and white triangle graphic

Action Alerts

The LWV of Alachua County has been following the issue of changes to the administration of GRU for nearly a year. It has been our position that the process used by legislators to enact a new law was a breach of democratic processes and the state inserting governor-appointed Authority members as administrators of our municipal utility are a breach of home rule.

Currently, the Authority is discussing reducing and possibly eliminating the already reduced transfer of funds to the city. This would have a detrimental effect on basic city services and the quality of life of Gainesville residents. We have two immediate action items for you.

Stop Gun Violence red text on black background with gun covered in chain and lock

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., the new LWVAC Gun Violence Prevention Committee hosted its first meeting featuring guest speaker Barbara Markley, Esquire, gun safety advocate and Co-chair of the Gun Violence Prevention Committee at the LWV of Broward County. Barbara discussed the "Lock it Up!" gun safety program that has distributed 30,000 free gun locks in Broward County and other gun safety programs LWVAC may want to emulate. A recording of the meeting is now available.


December 12, 2023: The Alachua County commission voted to adopt a nonbinding resolution endorsing Medicare for All. This effort was organized by Medicare for All Florida, Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP), Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) and the Alachua County Labor Coalition. Dozens and dozens of Alachua County residents also supported the resolution by signing a petition, which was submitted to the county commission. "We are happy to support Medicare for All," said Commission Chair Mary Alford, sponsor of the resolution, upon its unanimous passage.


Strengthening Public Education in a post-COVID World       

Review by Libby Medley

The 8 November 2023 presentation by retired Hillsboro School District Superintendent Mike Scott was very informative, and you can see his recording on our Civics Education YouTube channel at Mike compared the elementary and high school classroom situation in the 1990s to what it became from 2010 and after COVID to now.


Strengthening Public Education in a post-COVID World       

Review by Libby Medley

The 8 November 2023 presentation by retired Hillsboro School District Superintendent Mike Scott was very informative, and you can see his recording on our Civics Education YouTube channel at Mike compared the elementary and high school classroom situation in the 1990s to what it became from 2010 and after COVID to now. 

In the 1990s teachers were respected and assumed an attitude of "we've got this" in dealing with challenges. From a diversity point of view, the dominant approach was for the non-white students to conform to the white "standards". The basic approach to decision-making was focused on what was convenient for adults, rather than what might be the best choice for the students.

Now, after the disruptive impact of pandemic school closures on learning and the increase in remote attendance, educators are fostering a culture of reaching out to collaborate in unfamiliar territory.  Educator and District partnerships with businesses and aligned support have helped overwhelmed students succeed in new learning methods and preparing for employment opportunities. 

In measuring success rates, it was discovered that those students most likely to graduate were engaged in learning in 9th grade. Mental health issues have led to extended absences, while closures led older students to seek employment to support their family. The previous compulsion to attend school as the highest priority has become replaced by being able to contribute towards their family income. Now families have started to depend upon these funds, reducing the likelihood that the student will return to full time learning to gain their diploma.  

Mike Scott requested audience concerns at the beginning of his presentation, and circled back to their list to discuss maintaining public school enrollment in the face of a decline in birth rate as well as the growth of online charter schools and homeschooling. He pointed out that principals who reached out to build a relationship with their school's community were often successful at increasing student retention.  

Furthermore, the book burning attitude of some parents is best countered by learning what the process is to acquire the classroom books used in the classroom so it can be addressed in a transparent manner. He noted there has been a lot more politics involved in school board discussions, where school board candidates have a greater tendency to be looking at their own political growth than at what is the best outcome for the students. All in all, the growth in transparency and focus on the student needs can only strengthen the system in the years to come.


LWVUS logo
Event Date: 
Dec 13 2023 12:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Event location: 

Washington, DC

We are less than a week away from our 100th-anniversary commemoration of the introduction of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). We are excited to be a partner with the ERA Coalition for this day of action, and LWV’s CEO, Virginia Kase Solomón, will lead a portion of the march. We will not stop fighting to enshrine equality in our Constitution and can’t wait to see the League show up!

First Tuesday Talks with League of Women Voters of Montgomery County, VA
Event Date: 
Jan 02 2024 12:00 am to 11:45 pm

The League will NOT have a First Tuesday Talk on January 2, 2024 following New Year’s Day.
