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Shall the Alachua County School Districts existing One Mill ad valorem tax be renewed beginning July 1, 2025, and ending four years later on June 30, 2029, for necessary operating expenses to fund school nurses; music, art and drama programs; school library programs; school counseling programs; band and chorus programs; academic magnets; career technical programs; and to update classroom technology, with oversight by an independent citizens committee.
The League of Women Voters of Alachua County recommendation: Vote YES
For many years Florida has been one of the lowest-ranked states in the nation for public school funding. That explains why so many districts, including Alachua, ask their communities to support ballot initiatives to add a local tax to support badly needed resources.
According to the Education Data Initiative, Florida ranks 44th in spending for public school K-12 education. The National Education Association reports the average teacher pay in Florida ranks 48th in the nation. In addition to poor funding, public schools face additional challenges such as unfunded and underfunded state mandates to provide additional services such as transportation, safety/security etc. Recently the funding challenges have been exacerbated by diversion of hundreds of millions of dollars to private and charter schools.
The One Mill tax was first approved by Alachua County voters in 2008 and has to be approved every 4 years. A one mill tax means homeowners pay $1 in tax for every $1000 in taxable home value which is not much for each home owner but it generates over 24 million dollars a year for the school district. Homeowners are paying for this now so approving the continuation of the tax will not add a new line to homeowners annual tax bill.
The tax pays all or part of the salaries of 360 of Alachua County Public School teachers. That represents nearly 20% of all our teachers. The tax will continue to fund art and music teachers (including those who teach band, chorus, the performing arts and visual arts), school counselors, school librarians, career-tech teachers, and those who teach in our academic magnet programs as well as the school nurses. It has also funded classroom technology and support.
The One Mill tax requires the expenditures be reviewed by an oversight committee composed of local business and community leaders. They monitor expenses and prepare an annual report. More information on the One Mill is available on at the following
The Half-Cent for Schools is a sales tax surtax that can only be spent on improving our schools’ facilities and constructing new facilities as they’re needed. It ensures our students have high-quality places in which to learn. The One Mill is about making sure we have the professional expertise and the technology student need.
A YES vote will continue support for educational and other services to Alachua County K-12 students.
A NO vote will reduce the school district’s budget by 24 million dollars and reduce the average homeowners’ taxes by a small amount per month.