Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.

Call your Legislators

Action Alerts

The State Assembly will vote TODAY on three sensible bills designed to prevent suicide as well as a wetland bill that would do more harm than good.  Your call or email to your Assembly Representative will make a difference.


Support for community-wide collective impact efforts to eliminate human trafficking of adults and children, especially sex trafficking.
Take Action Contact State Senators

Action Alerts

The State Senate will vote Tuesday on three bills supported by the League, and your call or email to your State Senator will help get them passed.


Members and attendees were very enthusiastic about the Wheaton League’s October Civic Series program, “The Fair Tax, Funding Education and Pensions“.


The LWVCA supports tax levies and bond issues to implement policies for operations and improvements in the Cincinnati School District system.


The LWVCA supports policies and programs that will lead to improved educational opportunity for every public school student.


The LWVCA supports a publicly-owned transportation system for the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area.


The LWVCA supports comprehensive planning at the municipal, county, and regional levels.


The LWVCA supports criteria for Hamilton County-wide voted property tax levies.
