Health Care Committee

Health Care Committee

Aging in Place Resources | New York Health Act

Aging in Place Resources

Resources from "Aging in Place" -- a presentation by the Albany Guardian Society and Lauren Harrington, Community Liaison, Attentive Care -- Albany

The Albany Guardian Society and Institute recently held a phone conference/power point presentation on Aging in Place -- the presenter was Lauren Harrington, community liaison for Attentive Care Services in Albany. The mission of AGS, founded in 1852, is "to engage in a wide range of endeavors including education, research, information, and community engagement that will improve the quality of life for seniors, their families and caregivers." They offer a wealth of information, resources, and a variety of free classes. Attentive Care is a NYS certified and licensed home heath care provider based in Albany.

Here are some of the resources that were provided in the presentation:

Albany Guardian Society and Institute -- 518-434-2140
Attentive Care Home Health Care -- 518-438-6271
Schenectady County Department of Senior Services -- 518-382-8481
Umbrella (low-cost help with home maintenance) 518-346-5249 or 518-459-7152
NYS Office for the Aging 1-800-342-9871

Wright Stuff Catalog --
ProMed Express Catalog --
Advantage Medical --
Life Solutions Plus --
The Elder Store --
Parent Giving --
Aging Care --

"Design for a Lifetime" --
"Age Wise in the Capital Region" -- (Search for "Age Wise in the Capital Region")

We thank the Albany Guardian Society and Lauren Harrington of  Attentive Care for allowing us to share this information with our members. If you would like a copy of the "Aging in Place" power point presentation, please contact Ann Hatke.

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New York Health Act

This is an exciting time for the possibility of passage for the New York Health Act, the single-payer legislation in New York State. Along with other progressive issues the League has been fighting for, the Senate change since the last election increases the chance that the bill will finally be brought to the floor for a vote. Many of the newly elected legislators ran on support of this bill. Our Health Care Committee is working to educate the public through grassroots techniques such as letters-to-the editor, op-ed articles, presentations to various local groups, providing local forums, and lobbying legislators about the facts of the legislation. The current bill is being amended to include long-term care. New York State can serve as a testing ground for the future of American medicine if passage and implementation is achieved.

NY State Voter Health Committee

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Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Carol Furman
League to which this content belongs: 
Schenectady County