Voter Representation/Electoral Systems

Voter Representation/Electoral Systems

Support electoral systems at each level of government that encourage participation, are verifiable and auditable, and enhance representation for all voters.

Lunch with League Logo
Event Date: 
08/16/2023 - 11:15am to 1:30pm
Event location: 

Back Bay Conference Center

Speaker: Arash Sayadi, RCV Advocate

Topic: How Ranked Choice Voting Can Change our Politics

Gavel - Social and Criminal Justice

Advocates of democracy were relieved when the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled definitively against the Independent State Legislative Theory. SCOTUS validated the authority state constitutions and courts have over redistricting.

Gavel - Social and Criminal Justice

The recent ruling in Allen v. Milligan demonstrates SCOTUS continues to support the Voting Rights Act. Chief Justice Roberts clearly lays out the conditions and criteria SCOTUS will be using to decide upcoming cases.


Have you ever wondered how decisions get made for the Town of Wellesley and who's making these decisions?

Event Date: 
03/03/2023 - 6:00pm to 03/05/2023 - 4:00pm
Event location: 

The Conrad, Washington DC

Principles First Summit: Preserving American Institutions

Gainesville City map

Something particularly dreadful is happening in Alachua Co about the single-member district ballot initiative. There is an aggressive misinformation campaign going to convince Black voters that local Black leaders and the NAACP are in favor of single districts. The opposite is true.

A red face and blue face with mouths in a shout facing each other with red and blue bullets coming from their side, words 'Fake News', 'Indoctrinate' and 'Election Fraud' on red bullets, words 'Social Justice', 'Misinformation' and 'Suppression' on blue.
Event Date: 
09/17/2022 - 10:00am
Event location: 

Lomita Library

Red Box with White Take Action Now Text

Action Alerts

LWVFL Needs Our Help Now: 

Tell Legislators to reject the Governor's abuse of power and gerrymandered map!

Candidate forums for upcoming elections

Get to know the Candidates!

League Candidate Forums

Mayoral Candidates'- Thursday, January 20 at 6:30 PM

Know the Candidate. Join the League of Women Voters' Forums.

Redistricting, It Happens (Every 10 Years!)

Annual Fall Forum- October 5, 2021

Guest Speaker - Bryant Rains, Cleveland County Election Board Secretary 
