Voting Rights

Voting Rights

Voting is a fundamental right and all eligible voters should have the equal opportunity to exercise that right. We are dedicated to ensuring that our elections remain free, fair and accessible.

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website Banner for Early Voting and No excuse Absentee Ballots

Action Alerts

We view protecting the right to vote and the opportunity to exercise that right as paramount for our representative democracy to survive and thrive. Due to the restrictive language in the State Constitution, we need to amend the State Constitution language in order to update our election laws. Contact your state legislators today and ask them to co-sponsor the No-Excuse Absentee Voting (HJ 58) and Early Voting (HJ 59) Resolutions so that the voters can decide!

Early Voting and No Excuse Absentee Voting Banner
Press Mention

It’s time to set the record straight: Voting in Connecticut is overwhelmingly safe and secure; it is administered by election professionals from both major parties. Connecticut voters turned out in record numbers for the November 2020 election, in part thanks to an executive order issued by the governor and affirmed by the legislature permitting any voter to vote by absentee ballot. But because of our state’s restrictive absentee ballot laws, this was only allowed under these special circumstances.

Event Date: 
04/30/2021 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Event location: 

Your computer, tablet or cell phone

2021 CA Redistricting
Event Date: 
04/10/2021 - 10:00am to 11:30am
Event location: 

Zoom Online Webinar

Redistricting 2021 
Let RI Vote graphic with coalition partners

Rhode Islanders were offered a choice of how to cast their ballot in 2020 and they responded in record numbers. We need to make those choices permanent so no eligible Rhode Islander is denied their right to vote.

Oppose H0223 in Idaho 2021

Action Alerts

This bill makes it a felony to collect and deliver more than 6 absentee ballots, and only from family, now defined within 2nd degree of consanguinity.

Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

Senate Bill 753: An Act Concerning the Counting of Incarcerated Persons for Purposes of Determining Legislative Districts was voted out of committee this week. If passed by the CT legislature, the bill would end the unfair practice of prison gerrymandering. Please contact your state senator and ask them to 1) urge Senate Leadership to bring this bill to a vote and 2) vote “YES” on SB 753 when it is raised.

equal rights suffragists
Public Statement


Redistricting National PPFM Campaign Logo USA People Powered Fair Maps League of Women Voters LWV
Event Date: 
04/29/2021 - 7:00pm to 04/30/2021 - 7:45pm
Event location: 

Virtual Zoom event


March Recap—Insurrection

Our first-ever Speak Easy Saturday was well attended. The participants held lively discussions about the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6. We all had our own ideas about how we got here.
