Contact your MI State Representative to vote NO

Contact your MI State Representative to vote NO

LWV Michigan
Time Range For Action Alert: 
June 23, 2021 to July 30, 2021

Action Alert - Tell the Michigan State House of Representatives to VOTE NO on legislation, SB 303/ 304, making it harder to vote! You can find contact information for your Representative here

These bills ban the use of a sworn affidavit if a voter arrives at the polls without approved ID. The bills, as approved by the Senate, would force voters to cast a provisional ballot, which will not be counted without extra steps, if they do not have a specific type of ID on Election Day. The substitute version of SB 303, approved by the House Elections and Ethics Committee, allows election workers to challenge the signatures of legitimate voters before they cast their ballot.
“These bills directly and negatively affect seniors, people with disabilities, people with limited incomes and young people, who all have difficulty obtaining the type of ID that is sometimes required to vote,” said Christina Schlitt, LWV MI said. “Michigan has voter ID laws on the books, and our system for affidavit options has worked for decades. These new restrictions are unnecessary.” 
Issues referenced by this action alert: