President's Message, July 2021

President's Message, July 2021

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Blog Post

July 16, 2021

Fellow League Members,

Summer is quickly moving along. I hope all of you are relaxing a bit but also keeping up with League issues.

Redistricting is an issue we must watch carefully. League is a member of and sits on the executive board of “The Fair Districts Coalition.” Sadly, as pointed out in the State Voter which came out July 12th, only 16 state lawmakers were willing to publicly pledge that they will follow the Florida Constitution’s requirements for fairness when they draw state legislative and Congressional districts in the coming months. Others ignored requests to publicly sign the pledge but they are required to uphold the Florida Constitution. Locally, we will be following redistricting carefully, and Diane Dimperio will lead our efforts in watchdogging the issue.

Another critical issue is voter registration. With the passage of SB90 and the mandatory compliance with the law, all League members who wish to register voters under the League’s purview must retake an updated version of the League voter registration quiz. There is more information below and on our website. Please take the quiz and be ready to be active in our voter registration efforts.

Our Natural Resources, Local Issues, Climate Action teams have completed study and action on “Eliminating GRU’s Reliance on Natural (Fossil) Gas and Accelerating the Transition to 100% Renewable Energy”. Congratulations to the committees for the completion of this study and action. This study is in keeping with the Local Program approved by our membership at our Annual Meeting in May. In addition, the plan for supporting our local government’s movement away from natural gas is consistent with positions on the environment of LWVFL and LWVUS. If interested, you may want to review the Climate Change toolkit developed by LWVUS.

If you have not done so yet, you may want to check out the entire Local Program passed at the Annual Meeting. The Local Program guides our activities throughout the year.

Stay cool and find ways to become active in your League because we need you!

info [at]

League to which this content belongs: 
Alachua County