Voting Rights

Voting Rights

Voting is a fundamental right and all eligible voters should have the equal opportunity to exercise that right. We are dedicated to ensuring that our elections remain free, fair and accessible.

Read more on LWVUS »


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Action Alerts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec pretium turpis, id ultricies sem. In eu velit lacus. Nam non accumsan sapien. In congue malesuada sem ac vestibulum. Integer sit amet ex ut mauris sagittis finibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec pretium turpis, id ultricies sem. In eu velit lacus. Nam non accumsan sapien. In congue malesuada sem ac vestibulum. Integer sit amet ex ut mauris sagittis finibus. Cras aliquet auctor eros et placerat. Donec tincidunt tellus magna, sed maximus nunc hendrerit eu.






Study is the process of formally investigating and discussing a body of facts (including policy implications) whether supporting or contravening a working hypothesis, leading to or including a statement of position.

A study can be part of any League’s “Program,” can take place at the local, state or national level, and is usually designed to provide the League with a basis for future political action. The two basic types of League studies are Concurrence and Consensus.

League members at local rally
Event Date: 
07/13/2019 - 10:00am to 07/14/2019 - 11:45am
Event location: 

LWV Diablo Valley office

Note the change to second Saturday this month! This is our monthly advocacy planning meeting. Discussion may include local actions in support of positions from any level of the League, as well as updates on current priority issues

Restore the Voting Rights Amendment

Action Alerts

June 25th marks six years since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Shelby County v. Holder decision which overturned essential provisions of the VRA which has led to countless attacks on the voting rights of Americans.


Did you respond to the recent Action Alerts from LWV California? If so, here is a message from LWVC President Helen Hutchison with a progress report:

League members at local rally
Event Date: 
06/08/2019 - 10:00am to 06/09/2019 - 11:45am
Event location: 

LWV Diablo Valley office

This is our monthly advocacy planning meeting. Discussion may include local actions in support of positions from any level of the League, as well as updates on current priority issues such as housing, immigration, and healthcare.

Action Alerts

In 2018, California voters had the right to register and vote up to and including Election Day. Unfortunately, most Californians could not access Election Day Registration. This must change! 

League members at local rally
Event Date: 
05/04/2019 - 10:00am to 05/05/2019 - 11:45am
Event location: 

LWV Diablo Valley office

This is our monthly advocacy planning meeting. Discussion may include local actions in support of positions from any level of the League, as well as updates on current priority issues such as housing, immigration, and healthcare.
