Library Funding_ri

Library Funding_ri

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Joan Retsinas and Maureen Romans held a Zoom meeting on December 8 to rekindle interest in advocating for changes in the State library Funding formula and formulate an action plan.

Event Date: 
Dec 08 2021 03:00 pm
Event location: 

Virtual Meeting

Pre-COVID, the Providence League of Women Voters, with the concurrence of the League of Women Voters of Rhode Island, adopted a position urging the state to make the funding of libraries more equitable.

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Blog Post

Reimbursement funding formulas are known to penalize poor communities, and that is how RI provides funds for municipal libraries. Although legislators are sympathetic to the State/Providence League's efforts to work for change, the RI Library Fund

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Press Mention


Library funding disparities beg for redress

By Joan Retsinas and Maureen Romans, League of Women Voters

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August 2019