August 2019
After Labor Day the library funding formula committee will again be working with legislators to find a more equitable solution to distributing state aid, and we warmly welcome any Leaguer interested in helping on this issue. If you would like to schedule a meeting with your representative, please contact Maureen Romans at: mromans1031 [at] yahoo.com.
May 2019
Several members of the Providence League met with Senator Maryellen Goodwin, Majority Whip, at the State House. She was deeply interested in the League's statistics showing that the current formula for distributing library funds discriminates against poorer urban communities. At her suggestion, League members talked with two legislative staffers - Kate Bramson, Policy Director, and David Tremblay, Deputy Fiscal Advisor - about the League's concerns. Currently much number crunching is underway as the staff attempts to craft a solution that can win enough votes to pass in both chambers. League members should contact their representatives and senators to build more support for a new formula if they want to assist with this initiative.
February 2019
Joan Retsinas and Maureen Romans met with newly-elected state senator Sam Bell about the Providence League's study of library financing. Senator Bell showed great interest in the subject as he thought libraries were both important and very underfunded community institutions. He also volunteered to begin discussions with other members of the Providence delegation.
Another meeting is scheduled with Maryellen Goodwin later this month.