Voting Rights_ri

Voting Rights_ri

Let RI Vote graphic with coalition partners
Blog Post

You should have a choice in how you safely cast your ballot. Unless we make these changes, your choices will be limited in future elections.

Let RI Vote - Early Voting

Policy Spotlight: EARLY VOTING! Nearly 150,000 Rhode Islanders chose to vote early in the 2020 General Election! Were you one of them? #LETRIVOTE would make that early voting option permanent, including WEEKEND voting for all zip codes.

Let RI Vote Policy Week graphic

Let RI Vote Policy Week will highlight specific policy features of the campaign to #LetRIvote First feature is MAIL BALLOTS!

Let RI Vote graphic with coalition partners

Rhode Islanders were offered a choice of how to cast their ballot in 2020 and they responded in record numbers. We need to make those choices permanent so no eligible Rhode Islander is denied their right to vote.

Let RI Vote graphic with coalition partners

Activist Training Sessions cancelled due to conflict with House and Senate hearings

Lippitt House/Providence LWV Conversations 2021

Mar 15 2021 - Video:
Youth Activism & Civic Responsibility
Mar 22 2021 - Video:
Barriers to Democratic Participation for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals with Reentry Campus Program

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Press Mention

Kudos for a well-run election

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Public Statement

League of Women Voters of the US (LWVUS)
Press Release
WASHINGTON—Today, the United States Supreme Court affirmed the ruling of two lower courts to waive the two-witness and notary requirement for absentee ballots in Rhode Island for 2020 elections. The case was brought by the League of Women Voters of Rhode Island, Common Cause Rhode Island, and individual Rhode Island voters with significant risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19.

LWVRI logo

August 13, the US Supreme Court denied the Republican request for an emergency stay of the consent decree to eliminate witness/notary requirements for vote by mail in the Fall elections.

LWVRI logo
Public Statement

August 10, the Republican National Committee and the Rhode Island Republican Party sought a stay from the U.S.
