Leaguers - Join the LET RI VOTE campaign to make 2020 voting law changes permanent! This legislation is our top legislative priority this year. See the
Toni Zimmer, LWVUS Board member, Chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Trustee of the LWVUS Education Fund and LWVUS board liaison to the LWV-RI was the Providence League’s guest speaker, Monday, September 20, at
Policy Spotlight: EARLY VOTING! Nearly 150,000 Rhode Islanders chose to vote early in the 2020 General Election! Were you one of them? #LETRIVOTE would make that early voting option permanent, including WEEKEND voting for all zip codes.
Rhode Islanders were offered a choice of how to cast their ballot in 2020 and they responded in record numbers. We need to make those choices permanent so no eligible Rhode Islander is denied their right to vote.