Leaguers - Join the LET RI VOTE campaign to make 2020 voting law changes permanent! This legislation is our top legislative priority this year. See the latest Let RI Vote! news
The 'Let RI Vote Act' has officially been introduced in both the House and Senate, with many great co-sponsors already signed on! Bill numbers have been assigned, and you can view the bill text here: H7100 / S2007. The 'Let RI Vote Act' will make temporary changes from 2020 permanent, and improve voting access by removing barriers to the ballot in Rhode Island. Early bill introduction and increased co-sponsorship were important goals to support advancing the legislation this session. Our sponsors are also working productively with the RI Board of Elections to encourage their support of the legislation.
Please go to The Let RI Vote campaign website letrivote.org. iT includes the new LRIV 2022 One-pager, which provides a summary of the major provisions of the 'Let RI Vote Act' legislation as well as polling data demonstrating public support for those provisions. Additional updates will soon be available for advocate action tools, and information about the Same-Day Registration Resolution, stay tuned! Join the campaign to receive the updates.
'Let RI Vote' IN THE NEWS:
ICYMI, check out the recent Boston Globe #RhodeIslandReport podcast interview with Marcela Betancur, Director of the Latino Policy Institute discussing LPI's top legislative priorities for 2022, including passing the 'Let RI Vote Act' to improve access and opportunity to vote in Rhode Island.