2024-2025 Officers and Directors of the League of Women Voters of the Cooperstown Area

2024-2025 Officers and Directors of the League of Women Voters of the Cooperstown Area

Fal Fling 2018 Registering Voters on Main St.

Meet the Leaders of Your Local League 2024-2025

Co-presidents:  kpullyblank [at] gmail.com (Kristin Pullyblank) and retiredcb2019 [at] gmail.com (Christina Bourgeois )

Board Members and Their Roles

  • Treasurer 2022-2025: suchasshn [at] gmail.com (Susan Newman)
  • Secretary:lptansey [at] icloud.com ( Laura Tansey Wetzel)
  • Membership:ddalton [at] stny.rr.com ( Deb Dalton)
  • Environment/Natural Resources (2023-2025): OPEN
  • Communications: pmacleish [at] verizon.net (Patty MacLeish)
  • Voters Service (2023-2025): hudipoldosky [at] gmail.com (Hudi Podolsky)
  • Youth Programs: Open
  • At Large: aviva330 [at] gmail.com (Aviva Schnieder)
Off-Board Leaders