Join the League of Women Voters!

Join the League of Women Voters!

Tow League embers with Vote411 sign at SUNY Oneonta2024

We want you to Join the League. Everyone is welcome! Membership in the League of Women Voters is open to all people 16 years of age or older. When you join the League, you become a member of local, state and national Leagues.

As a member, you will:

  • have the opportunity to participate in local, state, and national League work
  • get exclusive civic information you can trust
  • know that your membership dues add to our grassroots strength.

Join us and be part of the solution! The League has a pay-what-you-can dues policy. The suggested dues are $75 per person, but you can pay any amount above $20. (Our League's dues as of December 2024 were $60 for an individual and $90 for two people at that the same address.  You may, if you wish, continue to pay at that level. But we hope you will truly "pay what you can.")

The dues are divided among the three levels of the League: 20% to the LWV of the Cooperstown Area, 47% to LWVNY State, and 33% to LWVUS. Payments may be made using a credit card or ACH. Details are included in the sign-up.

Join Today!

Check out this short video that explains the sign-up process.

Joining by Mail.

We hope you will use the on-line payment system, but you may pay for a membership by check. Fill out this PDF icon form and mail it with your check to LWVCA, PO Box 426, Cooperstown, NY 13326.
Make the check payable to LWVUS.