Lunch with League - From Kleptocracy to Democracy: How Citizens Can Take Back Local Government

Lunch with League - From Kleptocracy to Democracy: How Citizens Can Take Back Local Government


Mimi's Cafe
17231 17th Street
Tustin California 92780
California US
Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 11:30am

Enjoy lunch with League and hear Fred Smoller, Chapman University Associate Professor of Political Science talk about his new book, "From Keptrocracy to Democracy" about the political corruption in the city of Bell and how a coaltion of young Latinos and Muslims brought it back.  Rerservation required by September 24.  $20 if paid in advance, either online or check to "LWVCOCA" postmarked no later than Sept 24 and mailed to PO Box 10621, Santa Ana CA 92711 or $25 at the door.  

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