Social Policy: Health Care Delivery

Social Policy: Health Care Delivery

Support programs that meet the medical needs of Butte County residents by making comprehensive health care services available to all cultural and socioeconomic groups.
Position In Brief: 

1.    Support the expansion of recruitment, training, and quality of local healthcare personnel.

2.    Support the ongoing development and completion of the Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) objectives of the “Together We Can! Healthy Living in Butte County” initiative.

3.    Support the development of increased healthcare services in rural areas of the county.

4.    Support publicly funded medical services with continued movement toward a single-payer taxpayer-funded system.

5.    Support the continued advancement and development of Electronic Health Records and/or Health Information Exchanges (HIE) to maintain current medical records.

6.    Promote nutritional education and increased food access in identified “food desert” locations in the county.

7.    Promote cooperation, collaboration, and ongoing exchange of information among all agencies and entities dealing with health care.

8.    Support continued regulatory supervision and upgrading of environmental health, including air, water, hazardous substances and waste materials, food handling and inspection of restaurants.

9.    Increase availability and coordination of mental health services, including crisis management, housing, counseling, and coordination with law enforcement.

10.  Support the implementation and expansion of the Butte County2-1-1 system that assists all individuals in finding access to low-cost and no-cost health and human services.

11.  Promote and support the inclusion of public members on mandated health advisory boards.

Position on Mental Health Care (State)

Position History: 

Two-Year Study, 1974-1976
Reviewed and Clarified, 1992
Reviewed and Updated, 2016


League to which this content belongs: 
Butte County