LWV of Brookhaven

LWV of Brookhaven

Voter Publication | What is the League of Women Voters? | Voter Services | Education and Advocacy | Membership Benefits | Current Activities | Join the League of Women Voters of Brookhaven | We Are Nonpartisan | Some of our Local Positions | For more information

LWV Brookhaven Voter Publication

To read the full issue, click on the cover of LWV Brookhaven's Voter below.

LWV Brookhaven Voter March 2025

What is the League of Women Voters?

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization of volunteers working to promote political responsibility through the informed, active participation of citizens in government. The League does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. It does support or oppose legislation after serious study and substantial agreement among its members. Membership is open to men and women, aged 16 and over.

In February 1920, the League of Women Voters was founded when Carrie Chapman Catt proposed it in order to empower women voters newly enfranchised by the Nineteenth Amendment. She asked, “What is the League? It is a group of women who want not merely to vote, but to vote for something. The vote is a tool with which to work, and to build a better world for their neighbors and posterity.”

The League of Women Voters of Brookhaven has been active since 1949; we cover the various communities in the Town of Brookhaven, meeting at various sites throughout the town in the afternoon or evening, depending on the weather. We do voter registration drives in the community and schools, and at the Naturalization ceremonies at the Federal Courthouse. We provide voter education through public meetings, articles in the local newspapers, and candidates debates.

Working with the LWV of Suffolk County, we distribute copies of our Directory of Public Officials, which includes contact information for officials, information about election dates and procedures, and the county budget and committees. In conjunction with leagues at state and national levels of government, the Brookhaven League has joined in consensus studies to determine what changes or improvements we can support. We have done recent studies about money in politics, electoral reforms, immigration reforms, gun control, healthcare improvements, agriculture, and the option of medical aid in dying.

We sponsor youth training opportunities by sending students to Albany each spring for an introduction to New York State Government, we co-sponsor a day at the Suffolk County Legislature for high school students, and we work in high schools to engage students.

As we consider the challenges of the world around us, we invite you to join with us to find the best and fairest solutions, knowing that an informed and involved citizenry is the best protection for democracy.

Voter Services

  • Assist and advise new voters with registration
  • Conduct and moderate candidate meetings
  • Produce and distribute non-partisan information about candidates and ballot issues
  • Provide speakers to discuss the election process and ballot issues

Education and Advocacy

  • A unified state court system
  • Affordable housing
  • Alternatives to incarceration
  • Campaign finance reform
  • Civil liberties
  • Ethics and lobbying reform
  • Global climate change
  • Health care reform
  • Local and county land use and preservation
  • Redistricting
  • Statewide use of optical scan voting machines that have a paper backup

Membership Benefits

  • Information on a wide range of important regional and national issues
  • LWV publications - local, state and national
  • Brookhaven LWV newsletter The VOTER
  • Facts for Voters and the annual Directory of Public Officials
  • Training for local community and governmental leadership
  • Increased awareness of how your government works
  • Chance to influence public policy
  • Meet a diverse and interesting group of friends in your community

What are our Current Activities?

Voter Registration and Information – as much as possible during COVID
Meeting with our Legislators
Redistricting – with LWV People Powered Fair Maps
Healthcare Reform In NYS
Campaign Finance Reform (U.S. H.R.1)
Our Monthly Book Group Meetings

Join the League of Women Voters of Brookhaven

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Join the league, print this form

We Are Nonpartisan

Our mission is to encourage and engage citizens into being active and educated participants in government. We never ever support a politician or party.
However, if after a careful and thorough study of an issue, we do come to a consensus, we advocate and lobby for it and also lobby and advocate for national and state
league legislative positions.

Some of our Local Positions

  • Support for comprehensive land use planning in the Town of Brookhaven with citizen participation in order to provide for the orderly development and preservation of natural resources
  • Support for measures that ensure a variety of safe, sanitary and affordable housing for all the residents of the Town of Brookhaven
  • Support for measures that promote equitable, effective, economical services to the residents of the Town
  • We also support the positions of the Suffolk County LWV, New York State LWV, and US LWV


Lobby our Legislators,
Encourage all those eligible to vote
Help us succeed in our mission to:
Let the people know
Make the people care
Help the people act

For more information about the League or our program, contact Nancy Marr, President at NMBrookhaven [at] lwv-suffolkcounty.org or call 631 730-6556.